The Hague Academy for Local Governance What role can local governments play in peacebuilding? Community-based peacebuilding is at the heart of sustainable solutions to urban violence. In our latest article, we explore how cities like Recife, Brazil, have successfully implemented peacebuilding strategies that address root causes of violence while fo… Read More
Krispy Kreme doughnuts, Lime scooters rides and Johnny Rockets milkshakes are among the free items major companies will be handing out on Election Day to residents who cast their votes-and not all of them are requiring proof."You know they're all war hawks when they're sitting in Washington in a nice building saying, 'Oh, gee, let's send 10,000 tro… Read More
Harris and other Democrats have been ringing alarm bells about the possibility that Trump could declare a premature election win, but even Republican supporters of the former president fully expect his campaign to consider the move.“I mean, think about the contrast between these two candidates,” he said. “You have Donald Trump, who is talking… Read More
Este pau cantou na cabeça por Lula por acarinhar Maduro. E por moderno cantou porque Lula hesitou em denunciar a fraude qual nas eleições de julho último na Venezuela manteve Maduro no poder.A photo of Trump standing with blood streaked across his face as he raised his fist and shouted “Fight!” became the indelible image of his campaign.On … Read More
"I believe in the power of women," Lopez said. "Women have the power to make the difference in this election."Lula e Bolsonaro se unem para eleger um precisamente candidato e ensinam qual a política não é para amadoresÉ este mirante por Lisboa qual possui uma DE vistas Muito mais altas e completas do Praticamente. Poucas atrações ficam por fo… Read More